Physics Quest Worksheets!

Practice problems are so much more fun if they’re worked into stories!

Also, physics is meant for analyzing real-world situations. Solving problems with actual context to them builds a better sense of what the concepts actually mean.

Each of the worksheets includes over 15 pages of practice problems, with an answer key.

Momentum: A Physics Story

Basic 1-D Kinematics: A Physics Story

Energy: A Physics Story

Traditional Physics Worksheets

Physics Story Worksheets

I love combining physics with stories. I grew up reading fairy tales and fantasy novels, and think that not only is physics more fun when it’s in a story, it’s more memorable and also, counter-intuitively, more grounded in reality.

So often, physics practice becomes an exercise in following a rote series of steps that doesn’t impact our actual understanding of the world around us. As much as possible, I think we should strive to think about how physics applies to real (or fantastical) situations.

Some of the worksheets here are labelled “A Physics Story.” For each of these, I’ve written what is essentially a regular worksheet, with a set of the typical types of problems for that unit, but all incorporated into a single fantasy story.

The full worksheets plus answer keys are all free; just click the buttons below to open the pdfs. If you’d also like full worked solutions, you can buy those on Teachers Pay Teachers. I hope you like them!

Written by Sarah McCarthy

Illustrated by Lala E

Stuck on a problem? Want to review the concepts first?

Try the Stick Figure Physics Tutorials or keep to the stories with Fairy Tale Physics. You can find these in the Books section.

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